One is the THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and the CBD (Cannabidiol). Each one produces something different, and contributes as much to the sensation that produces the hemp as to its therapeutic applications. To know both compounds allows to choose better the variety at the time of cultivating, as well as also to know what to look for according to if one wants something recreational or medicinal.
First, what they have in common: as much the TCH as the CDB are cannabinoides, and act on the endocannabinoide system, that all the mammals have, including the human one. This is a system of intercellular communication, that is activated naturally to create homeostasis, but that can be stimulated by fitocannabinoides, that is to say, cannabinoides of vegetal origin, like which they are in the hemp plant. These cause different effects to those that take place naturally in the body. The main receivers of the endocannabinoide system are the CB-1 and the CB-2, that are in the central nervous system and the immune system.
The THC is the psychoactive component of the hemp, and it is connected with these two receivers in the human brain. The CB-1 influences the pleasure, the appetite, the memory and the concentration, whereas the CB-2 moderates the pain sensation, and plays a role in the homeostasis in certain parts of the body, such as the kidney and the liver.

In addition, THC is the component responsible for making you want to eat a pizza and go to sleep after smoking a joint. It increases the appetite and increases the sensation of pleasure when eating, besides that it produces drowsiness. This is why it is used in treatments against insomnia and loss of appetite. It’s also THC that affects short-term memory, so blame it on the next time you say “what was I talking about” in the middle of a conversation when you’re smoking. In general, the higher THC varieties are the most sought after for recreational use. It is also the component mostly banned or restricted by most countries in the world.
CBD, on the other hand, interacts with receptors such as GPR55 or 5-HT1A. It is not psychoactive, although it works in many ways with THC to contribute to the effect of hemp. In fact, it counteracts in several aspects the effects of the THC, reason why its proportion is important to determine the sensation that produces the hemp. The CBD reduces the sensation of anxiety that characteristically causes the THC, and has antipsychotic properties that balance the strongest effects of the buzz. In addition, it is associated with the sleeplessness and the energy, reason why also it is complemented with the THC, although if a sedative effect is looked for the best thing is that the proportion of CBD is low. As for memory, it also reduces the deterioration caused by THC, so the varieties with low CBD are the ones that will make you wonder where you left the keys that you actually have in your hand.
The CBD is also the most sought-after component in the varieties for medicinal use. It has anti-inflammatory properties far superior to those of THC and without the psychotropic effects, so it is safe for any patient. It is widely used in afflictions such as arthritis and rheumatism. CBD also has anticonvulsant effect and reduces muscle spasms, and that is why it is often prescribed for refractory epilepsy. It is also an anxiolytic and antipsychotic, with studies supporting its use in the treatment of schizophrenia.
Both cannabinoids play important roles and work perfectly together, regulating each other, although it depends on the effect and desired use, will opt for varieties richer in one another compound. If you suffer some disease or you have given yourself a tremendous blow, possibly you want much CBD, but if your plan is to see a film and to finish to you single a bag of fries, the THC is yours. But remember that without a good balance of CBD, you may never finish the movie because you fall asleep, or forget what it was about in the first place. In the right balance is the secret.
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